Travel trends I am totally here for: the microadventure and offseason travel.
There were two travel articles recently that I decided could easily inspire my 2024 travel: a piece in the Wall Street Journal about the joys of traveling in the offseason and one in the New York Times on creating adventures close to home, generally in a day. One of my favorite local shows, Chronicle, for years has done something similar - a segment called A Tank Away. I love the concept of exploring places in my own backyard.
This year Dan and I are going to make New England our backyard. From Wentworth or Norwell, it is pretty easy to get to just about any place in New England, southern Quebec, and parts of the Maritimes within 5 hours. I am going to take full advantage of the Subaru's good gas mileage, my National Parks Pass, my Irving Debit Card, and hours worth of Audibles and drag Dan and Izzy to as many places as I can, through every season.
We are so lucky that we have not only quite a few national parks, but also a plethora of state parks and local landmarks close by to explore. A quick spin through Atlas Obscura (if you have never visited this site, go now) and my list has grown even longer. Throw in my newest obsession with presidential homes, birthplaces, and libraries, and I think we should be good for a while.
And there will be beer, of course!
If you have any suggestions, drop them in the comments!
