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Writer's pictureJulie Mackin

Living in a Christopher Cross Song

In which our heroine enters the land of yacht rock

Float Plan by Trish Doller 

Star: 4

Spicy: PG-13


Trish Doller was all over my booksta last year when her latest book, Off the Map, came out. It was an automatic read for me since it involved two of my favorite things: Ireland and a roadtrip romance. It didn’t disappoint and I had her other two books in the series on my TBR and then another trusted reader recommended the audiobook of Float Plan and I was like, perfect for my next Audible read (I needed to maybe lay off the murder for a little while).

Anna Beck is at sea in her own life; ten months prior her fiance, who suffered from depression, committed suicide and left Anna with their boat, dashing their dream to sail it from Fort Lauderdale to the Caribbean. But on Thanksgiving Day, she decides she is going to complete their dream and she takes off. A few days in she realizes she needs help and hires a charming Irishman, Keane Sullivan, to help her. The two of them make their way around the islands, meeting people, seeing sites, and falling in love. There are of course rough seas, these two have a lot of baggage to unpack, but Doller handles the third-act breakup so well and I was crying as I listened to the last bit on my way to work. 

It’s a road trip romance on a boat, I loved it. I was to buy a sailboat this morning! I’m so glad I picked this up, imagining the islands on cold, dreary New England winter days was an added bonus to this love story. And now I am on to the next book in the series and then to reread Off the Map so I can see Anna and Keane again!

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